Under the academic leadership of Weill Cornell Medicine, the OMInar in Rehabilitation Medicine took place as an interactive multi-day webinar from February 16-18, 2021.
Our dedicated course director, Dr. Jaspal R. Singh from Weill Cornell Medicine, and co-course director, Dr. Richard Crevenna, MBA, MMSc from the Medical University of Vienna, worked together to create this year’s compelling schedule. The high-level faculty was completed by Dr. Gerold Ebenbichler (Medical University of Vienna), Dr. Michael W. O`Dell (Weill Cornell Medicine), Dr. Othmar Schuhfried (Medical University of Vienna) and two new faculty members: Dr. George C. Christolias (Weill Cornell Medicine) and Julia L. Iafrate, DO, CAQSM, FAAPMR (New York Presbyterian).

These leading experts in Rehabilitation Medicine shared their up-to-date knowledge on the following topics:
Talks & Speakers on Tuesday, February 16
Axial Lower Back Pain (George C. Christolias, MD)
Rehabilitation Basics in Breast Cancer (Richard Crevenna, MD, MBA, MMSc)
Shockwave Therapy (fESWT) (Richard Crevenna, MD, MBA, MMSc)
Tendinopathy: Diagnosis and Management (Julia L. Iafrate, DO, CAQSM, FAAPMR)
Talks & Speakers on Wednesday, February 17
Spasticity Management (Michael W. O`Dell, MD)
Motor Recovery Following Stroke (Michael W. O`Dell, MD)
Rehabilitation of Impairments in Multiple Sclerosis (Othmar Schuhfried, MD)
Talks & Speakers on Thursday, February 18
Rehabilitation of Low Back Pain (Gerold Ebenbichler, MD)
Six Pack Abs: Core Stability (Jaspal R. Singh, MD)
Regenerative Medicine in Sports (Jaspal R. Singh, MD)
29 physicians from 19 countries were selected to participate in the OMInar. Once again, we had several “virtual reunions”, this time between fellows from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Mexico, North Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia and the Ukraine, who met for the first time in Salzburg when attending OMI Seminars in Rehabilitation Medicine in previous years.

Igor Dumanovic, MD (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
“During the OMInar I gained new insights into tendinopathy and regenerative medicine (e.g. preparation method and practical use of PRP). I also learned about some chirurgical methods for pain management. In the future, I will try to use fESWT more as a treatment procedure and try to implement PRP in everyday practice in our clinic.”

Viktoriya Li, MD (Kazakhstan)
“The best topic I learned, and will take away from attending this OMInar, are the lectures from Dr. Jaspal R. Singh on physical rehabilitation of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. I have already added some types of exercises, which were presented by Dr. Singh, to our patients’ physical training program. I have found these lectures most useful for my own practice and my PhD study. I am sure that this OMInar will change my habits. It was invaluable for me to observe the extensive geography of the participants, which confirmed my belief that doctors from all over the world have one goal and speak the same language!”

Valeriia Soloviova, MD (Ukraine)
“I learned a lot of relevant and up-to-date information from experienced rehabilitation experts and I will try to implement the new knowledge in my everyday practice. I am especially interested in developing cancer rehabilitation in my hospital. There is a great number of prejudices concerning prescription of physical modalities for cancer patients in Ukraine. And I really hope to convince our physicians to overcome their fear.”
Of the 29 submitted clinical cases, 10 were selected for publication in the OMI Case Library by the course directors. The chosen participants had the chance to present them during the OMInar and discuss with the faculty and other fellows.