This week’s OMInar was organized in collaboration with Columbia University Medical Center and the Medical University of Innsbruck. In 1998, through the merger of New York Hospital and Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons joined the OMI faculty and leads annual seminars in Maternal and Infant Health and Internal Medicine.
After serving as the course director of the Internal Medicine course for the past 15 years, Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum handed over to Dr. Kristin Burkart and Dr. Guenter Weiss, who designed a new three-year curriculum and will lead the course moving forward.
YEAR 1 (2021, 2024, 2027)
- Cardiology
- Nephrology
- Hematology (Non-Malignant Hematologic Disorders)
YEAR 2 (2022, 2025, 2028)
- Pulmonology
- Rheumatology
- Oncology/Hematology (Lymphoproliferative Hematology)
YEAR 3 (2023, 2026, 2029)
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- Infectious Diseases
The high-level faculty was completed by Dr. Russell Crew, Dr. Andrew Eisenberger, Dr. Maryjane Farr, and three new faculty members: Dr. Axel Bauer, Dr. Andreas Kronbichler and Dr. Dominik Wolf.
This week’s OMInar focused on:
Talks & Speakers on Tuesday, May 4
- Chronic Kidney Disease (Dr. R. John Crew | Columbia University Medical Center)
- Update on Coagulopathies (Dr. Andrew Eisenberger | Columbia University Medical Center)
- Transcatheter Valve Intervention (Dr. Axel Bauer | Medical University of Innsbruck)
- Interventional Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease (Dr. Axel Bauer | Medical University of Innsbruck)
Talks & Speakers on Wednesday, May 5
- Update in Renal Transplant (Dr. R. John Crew | Columbia University Medical Center)
- ITP (Dr. Dominik Wolf | Medical University of Innsbruck)
- Vasculitis in Renal Diseases (Dr. Andreas Kronbichler | Medical University of Innsbruck)
Talks & Speakers on Thursday, May 6
- VAD and Transplant and Difficult Questions in Advanced HF (Dr. Maryjane Farr | Columbia University Medical Center)
- Anticoagulation (Preventive Strategies, Indications, DOACs – Indications) (Dr. Andrew Eisenberger | Columbia University Medical Center)
- Iron Deficiency Anemia and Anemia of Inflammation (Dr. Guenter Weiss | Medical University of Innsbruck)
33 fellows from 24 countries around the world were invited to attend the virtual event. Fellows were asked to hand in clinical case reports, which were screened by the course directors prior to the OMInar. Of the 28 submitted clinical cases, 9 were selected for publication by the course directors. The chosen participants had the chance to present them during the OMInar and discuss with the faculty and other fellows.
“I think that every interaction within the medical and healthcare community worldwide changes our general view on what we should improve or introduce in our daily practice. The OMInar was very exciting and well-organized. This pandemic put us in an unexpected situation, but fortunately it has not changed the high level of the Salzburg Seminars. My practice habits are changing constantly because the information received during this OMInar opened some new directions for study and improving. Furthermore, it gave me some new perspectives on the diagnosis and management of anemia, and this is something that we need in our daily practice.”