What an incredible time together, reconnecting and reminiscing! During the 6th European Congress of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (ORL-HNS), which was held in Milan, Italy from October 29 to November 2, 2022, an alumni reunion for the fellows and faculty of the Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminars took place on November 1, 2022, which was organized by Dr. Cem Meco, President of the Confederation and faculty member for the Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminars in Otolaryngology and Otology and Temporal Bone Surgery (Paracelsus Medical University).
Fellows and faculty from all OMI Otorhinolaryngology and Otology and Temporal Bone Surgery seminars that have taken place since 1996 were invited. Approximately 40 OMI alumni attended the reunion, accompanied by Dr. Michael G. Stewart, Course Director of the Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminars in Otolaryngology (Weill Cornell Medicine), Dr. Gerhard Rasp, Co-Course Director of the Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminars in Otolaryngology and Otology and Temporal Bone Surgery (General Hospital of Salzburg), Dr. Cem Meco, faculty member for the Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminars in Otolaryngology and Otology and Temporal Bone Surgery (Paracelsus Medical University), and Dr. Sebastian Roesch, faculty member for the Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminars in Otolaryngology and Otology and Temporal Bone Surgery (General Hospital of Salzburg).
We are very excited that so many OMI fellows and faculty attended the event and had the opportunity to see each another once again! A special thank you to Dr. Meco for the organization of the reunion and to MED-EL, a longtime supporter of our seminars, who provided snacks and drinks for the occasion. Until next time!