28 fellows from Mexico and Peru gathered at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at Tec de Monterrey from April 12-14, 2023, in Mexico City, Mexico for the first OMI MEX CHOP Seminar in Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care. Expert faculty members from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia included Course Director Dr. Justin L. Lockman, Associate Chair of Education for the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Dr. Aaron G. DeWitt, Dr. Elaina E. Lin, and Dr. Heather A. McClung Pasqualino.
The faculty worked together to offer a compelling and exciting schedule that comprised of 12 didactic lectures, including lectures such as Medication Safety: Preventable Errors in the Operating Room, Pediatric Trauma and Traumatic Brain Injury, Anesthesia Management in Fetal Surgery, Lymphatic Imaging and Intervention in the 21st Century, An Approach to Difficult Conversations, and more. Monday and Tuesday afternoon included fellows’ case presentations, in which 12 fellows presented cases from their own personal work experience. Three cases were selected by the faculty as excellent case presentations.
A highlight of the seminar was the ultrasound workshop on Wednesday afternoon, which was led by Dr. Elaina E. Lin and Dr. Aaron G. DeWitt and included real pediatric models. The workshop was conducted in a state-of-the-art simulation center at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at Tec de Monterrey. This invaluable experience surely strengthened the fellows’ hands-on skills and provided exciting insights on how to best care for children.
The three-day seminar concluded with the post-seminar test, lunch alongside the faculty members, and the closing ceremony. Fellows received their certificates of participation and those with academic excellence and excellent case presentations were acknowledged at the ceremony. The OMI team is thankful for the commitment shown by the faculty members, who have not only served fellows during Salzburg seminars, but have now shared their experience and knowledge with Latin American physicians in Mexico as well!