The European School of Urology and the Open Medical Institute have collaborated for more than 30 years to provide high-quality education and training to young urologists from around the world.
This year’s ESU/ Weill Cornell Master Class in Urology took place from July 7 to 13, 2024, at Schloss Arenberg in Salzburg, Austria. 36 fellows from 28 different countries had the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills for their daily practice and to make valuable contacts for the future.
The course focused on the following core areas: Testis and renal cancer, urothelial cancer, pediatric urology, and female functional urology.
With Dr. Jonathan A. Coleman (MSKCC, USA) as course director, this week’s faculty was off to a strong start! He was supported by Dr. Ben Challacombe (Guy’s Hospital and King’s College London, UK), Dr. Timothy Donahue (MSKCC, USA), Dr. Grace Hyun (New York University Langone Medical Center, USA), Dr. Richard S. Matulewicz (MSKCC, USA), Dr. Christian Radmayr (Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria), and last but not least Dr. Evanguelos Xylinas (Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital, France).
When asked about the course, Dr. Coleman explains, “The ESU/ Weill Cornell Master Class in Urology is underway in Salzburg this week. We are providing detailed comprehensive talks and discussions on some of the most important topics in the management of pediatric urology as well as kidney, bladder, testis, penile, and upper tract urothelial cancer. We have a world-class faculty of dedicated educators from leading medical centers in the US and Europe. We are all excited to meet with this gifted group of future superstars and discuss some of the most challenging aspects of surgical and perioperative care in these topics. We are also enjoying our time outside the classroom with hands-on courses in laparoscopy and endoscopy designed to provide insights and skills on the most advanced techniques. This is a truly exciting week for us all thanks to the amazing staff and leadership at the OMI, providing such a phenomenal opportunity in an unparalleled venue.”
The seminar drew more than 200 applications, with 36 fortunate fellows selected to attend. The fellows stemmed from 28 countries, including Austria, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Mexico, North Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
The busy schedule was composed of a blend of 23 didactic lectures, three fellow case presentation workshops, as well as two hands-on training sessions, which focused on both laparoscopy and endoscopy. Laparoscopy is a type of surgery that allows a surgeon to use only small cuts and a camera for procedures inside the abdomen or pelvic areas. Endoscopy is a medical procedure that allows a doctor to inspect and observe the inside of the body without performing major surgery using an endoscope, which is a long tube with a lens at one end and a video camera at the other. To offer fellows the best training opportunities possible, faculty members worked together with three tutors, Dr. Daniel Oliveira-Reis, Dr. Diego Rengifo Abbad, and Dr. Afonso Sousa Castro, as well as three vendors from Olympus, Maria Strauss, Catrinel Vasile, and Alex Dreher, to facilitate the sessions and answer all the fellows’ questions. There were six different stations at which the participants could test their surgical skills through exercises such as peg transfer, cutting a circle, needle guidance, and laparoscopic suturing. Additionally, the fellows were given a chance to take the E-BLUS exam during the workshops. We would like to thank our tutors as well as our vendors from Olympus for their assistance during the hands-on training sessions!

Jovana Bekic, MD
OMI fellow from Slovenia
“Dr. Coleman shared real-life experiences. This was a poignant reminder that even surgical legends encounter challenges and must always be prepared to respond in the best interest of their patients.”

Miguel Angel Rodriguez Cabello, MD
OMI fellow from Spain
“The highlight of the week was undeniably the endoscopic simulation training! I learned from specialists like Dr. Oliveira-Reis, who demonstrated advanced techniques in endourological procedures. I acquired invaluable insights that I can integrate into my practice.”

Jonathan Badin Castro, MD
OMI fellow from Mexico
“This seminar will impact my career in multiple ways and will open many doors, which I could not have even imagined before. The professional opportunities that have already arisen from the OMI seminars are paving my future development as a urologist.”

Habtamu Zeru, MD
OMI fellow from Ethiopia
“The case presentations by the fellows were fascinating. I was amazed by the explanations of the faculty and I am thankful for the chance to learn from them.”