The Open Medical Institute is excited to announce that Dr. Malik Ejubović will take over the role of local coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dr. Ejubović specializes in internal medicine and currently practices at the Cantonal Hospital in Zenica. His research interests are cardiology, endocrinology, and metabolic disorders, with a special focus on the therapeutic potential of antioxidants.
Since 1993, the OMI has trained over 448 doctors from Bosnia and Herzegovina in an effort to curb the country’s brain drain and improve its healthcare system by providing further medical education to physicians. We are positive that with the help of our local coordinator, this number will significantly increase in the future.
Dr. Ejubović will support both Bosnian physicians interested in the OMI seminars with their applications as well as OMI alumni in their future medical education journeys. Other tasks the coordinator will handle are promotional activities, rating OMI applicants, writing reports, assisting OMI fellows with their invitation processes, and taking note of the success stories of OMI alumni over the years. Dr. Ejubović is passionate about improving healthcare and shaping the future of medical education in his home country.
We cannot wait to see what our newest local coordinator will contribute to the OMI program!