Speak Up about What You Believe In!

Speak Up about What You Believe In!

What would you do to support a cause that you believe in? Dr. Mark G. Kris from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, USA, went the extra mile by publishing a video about the OMI with Medscape. Medscape is one of the leading online global platforms...
Why We Do What We Do: A Letter from Ethiopia

Why We Do What We Do: A Letter from Ethiopia

Can you imagine a young pathologist based in a remote area of Ethiopia, affected by civil unrest and enduring complete internet blackouts, would travel over 500 kilometers to reach the capital city of Addis Ababa to access the internet and apply for an OMI seminar?...
Trauma and Emergency Surgeons Gather in Salzburg

Trauma and Emergency Surgeons Gather in Salzburg

Stopping severe bleeding or the spread of sepsis, dealing with end of life issues, and tending to fracture and orthopedic injuries are only some of the tasks that trauma and emergency surgeons come across on a daily basis. The medical professionals are trained to...