New OMI Local Coordinator in Croatia

New OMI Local Coordinator in Croatia

The OMI is glad to announce the cooperation with a new local coordinator in Croatia, Zagreb, Dr. Gloria Leksic. Simultaneously, we would like to thank Nica Hecej for her support throughout the years and wish her all the best in her future endeavors. The OMI local...
Salzburg Opera Camps at Schloss Arenberg

Salzburg Opera Camps at Schloss Arenberg

Since 2009, Schloss Arenberg has hosted a series of opera camps for children and young adults from all around the world. The participants are given the opportunity to develop their version of an opera from the program of the annual Salzburg Festival, accompanied by...
Summer Greetings from Salzburg

Summer Greetings from Salzburg

After hosting 17 OMInars and 6 seminars in Salzburg so far this year, the OMI is taking a summer break. We hope that our faculty members and fellows are able to enjoy some warm and sunny days off. However, Schloss Arenberg will not be empty during the summer holidays....